Xhale Policies


    To cancel a booking, you must notify Xhale Studios at least 12 hours prior to the commencement of the class.

    Cancellations made with less than 12 hours notice will incur the full cost of the class booked. Class bookings can be cancelled / rescheduled online via the Momence app or via our studio email.

    If you know you will not be able to make a class for which you have booked, within the 12 hour cancellation window, we strongly encourage a cancellation to be made, so that another person may join from our waitlist.

  • It’s the most disappointing thing to see empty beds for a waitlisted class, and we know YOU feel frustrated by it too.

    To ensure we can continue to give everyone an opportunity to attend, if you do not come to your session you will forfeit your pass and a $5 no show fee applies.

    We really hate to do this, so please help us by cancelling if you cannot attend.

  • No availability in a class? No problem!

    If you are unable to book a spot because the class is full, register yourself on the waitlist and when a spot becomes available, you will be notified via email and text, then automatically booked into the class. Please treat your waitlist time as if you are booked into the class.

    As a courtesy, if you are no longer available to attend the class, please remove yourself from the waitlist online or via the smart phone app. Once you have been confirmed in the class from the wait list, our 12 hour courtesy policy applies and a cancellation fee will apply if cancelled within this time.

  • We understand things happen!

    However if a client is 10 minutes late they will be unable to enter the studio to minimize distractions and respectfully allow others to centre and focus. Additionally warming up the body is essential in preventing injuries and keeping clients safe.

  • Please read the following terms carefully.

    By participating in any class provided by an Xhale Instructor you consent to, and agree to release the Instructor from liability according to, these terms. Unless the Instructor notifies you otherwise, this waiver and release will apply to all classes undertaken by you with the Instructor.

    You acknowledge that:

    1) You are over 16 years of age;

    2) you understand that the classes are a form of physical activity and that there are inherent risks in undertaking any form of physical exercise;

    3) you have disclosed, or will disclose to the Instructor prior to the class commencing, any pre-existing conditions that may place you at a higher risk of injury or inhibit your ability to participate in a class, this includes, but is not limited to:

    * injuries, pain or recent surgery;

    * pregnancy or if you have recently given birth; or

    * respiratory or heart conditions or high blood pressure.

    * you will notify the Instructor if you experience any pain throughout the class and will immediately stop participating in the class if requested by the Instructor to do so;

    4) Based on information you provide, the Instructor may decide not to allow you to participate in a class, or may require you to provide a medical certificate affirming that you are able to participate in a class before allowing you to join, in the Instructor’s sole discretion;

    5) If you can’t make it to your allocated session time, please cancel your class via the app at least 12 hours before your appointment time. Otherwise you will still be required to pay for your session. No show client’s will incur a $10.00 penalty on top of the session charge.

    6) Classes may be recorded by the Instructor for quality control, as well as promotional purposes. If you do not consent to the Instructor using video or still images taken during the class for promotional purposes, please notify the Instructor in writing.

    To the extent permitted at law, you release and hold the Instructor (and where applicable its, directors, employees and representatives) harmless from any liability, cost, expense, damages or claims (including claims of negligence) arising from or which may be suffered or incurred in connection with your participation in any classes provided by the Instructor.

    I, understand that in checking the box below to this document; affirm that I have read this form in its entirety and that all questions have been answered to the best of my knowledge & satisfaction. My participation in any proposed exercise regime is totally voluntary & I assume the risk of such exercise, and further agree to hold harmless XHALE PILATES from any and all claims, suits, losses, or related causes of action for damages, including, but not limited to, such claims that may result from my injury or death, accidental or otherwise arising in any way from the exercise regime.